When Receiving Card
- Make sure you receive your credit card is in a sealed envelope and sent by the Bank / Financial Institution credit card where you submitted your application.
- Immediate signs new credit card you receive.
- It would be better if there is a credit card in advance of your photos, so will be easily detected if there were other people who use your card.
- If you have obtained a PIN, immediately replace it with a PIN that you will remember (do not use your birth date, because this figure is easily traceable others).
When Conducting Transactions
- Credit cards issued in the name of your private, so that only you may use it. Do not ever give your credit card to anyone else, including his family and those closest though.
- Never tell your PIN to anyone else. Because the PIN is confidential and can be used for making cash in the ATM.
- Do not also provide personal information about your credit card as mother's maiden name, credit card validity period, three (3) digits behind the card, or your credit card limit to unauthorized parties.
- Keep your credit card in a safe place.
- Ensure staff bertranskasi merchant where you instantly bring your card to the cashier and not to another.
- Before mendandatangani sales draft, make sure that the number of transactions are printed in accordance with the sales draft t ransaksi amount you spend. That way you avoid having to pay a bill that is not your transaction.
- Make sure that the cashier just swipe your card 1 (one) time only for each transaction. This is to avoid the presence of 2 (two) times the billing with the same number of transactions, at the same time and place.
- Ensure staff merchant refund your credit card after the transaction is completed.
- Keep your back and keep it anyway karu draft sales transactions to be matched with the bill you receive in the future.
- When you bertransksi in cyberspace (on-line transaction), make sure that you're dealing with is safe from the possibility of misuse of credit cards.
- If you got an offer from a merchant using the telephone, mail or internet (Mail, Phone and Internet Order Transaction), make sure that you already know the products and services offered and have agreed to the offer, before you give your 16 digit credit card number.
When Receiving Bills
- Look for the amount that banks are charged by the number of transactions that you did before, including the use of an additional card bills, if any.
- When there is a bill that is not appropriate, report it immediately to your credit card issuer. Do not delay, because the Bank Publisher will not serve your complaint after 45 (forty five) days from the date of billing.
- If after 45 (forty five) days from the billing date there was no complaint from you, the credit card issuer charges you deem appropriate.
- Make a payment on your credit card bill before the due date stated in the invoice sheet, with a corresponding amount of the payment options.
If Card Lost / stolen
- Immediately report to the credit card issuer within 1x24 hours for your credit card is blocked. This effort to avoid the use of credit cards by the other party. That way you also avoid billing of transactions you did not make.
- As long as you do not report the loss to the credit card issuer, the transaction is the responsibility of you as a card holder. Do not forget to give your loss statement signed.
- Ask a new credit card to replace your lost credit card. Note the documents that must be met in order to report the loss of your credit card.
- Make sure your credit card is lost long been closed.
- Spread your card lost information to the print media or media that you can use to be published. Make sure you read the terms and conditions of any banking product that you will use!
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